Discover Elluminé by Ellen Devos

Discover Elluminé by Ellen Devos

Les Silhouettes Straattheater België Gent Vlaanderen
Make-up artiest Ellen Devos

Add sparkle
to your event.

Make-up booth festival

Welcome to Elluminé.
We specialize in all-round make-up and entertainment in the broad sense of the word.
From a driven passion arises a varied offer where perfection and quality are central.

Art & Entertainment

Scroll through the full range

"At Elluminé, we like to see sparkles in everyone's eyes. We believe in the power of art and of small and big smiles."

Madame Silhouette Straattheater Silhouette knippen België
Festival Event Make-up Glitter booth
Camouflage Bodypaint optische illusie

Let's get

Are you an organization, business or individual looking for an original workshop, team building or continuing education?
Elluminé offers workshops for both beginners and experienced creatives.

In addition, Elluminé-shop offers a wide range of materials for all-round grime artists and body painters, carefully selected by Ellen for the best quality.

Our collaborations


Bodypaint By Ellen becomes